Return & Shipping Policy
Due to the uniqueness and age of vintage clothing, all sales are final unless otherwise disclosed as eligible for a return. However, we are very fair and reasonable. If you believe you have a valid reason to return your item contact must be made within 24 hours of receipt of purchase. If MBI Vintage determines that your item is eligible for return the process must begin within 48 hours of receipt of purchase with a dated email explaining the cause.
FREE SHIPPING on orders over $75 in the US.
Our goal is to ship the same day as the order is placed, except for weekends and holidays. Some other exceptions may apply.
However, please allow 3 business days for your order to be processed. Orders placed after 2PM PST may be processed the following shipping day. We are open Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm PST.
For International orders please email all inquiries to:
How do I know if my package has shipped and is on its way?
Once you place an order, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Please note that the shipping confirmation email does not necessarily mean that the carrier (USPS or UPS) has picked up your package from our distribution center. Please use the appropriate carriers tracking features to determine when your package has been picked up and is in transit.
Please allow 2 to 3 business days from the time you place your order for its status to update.
How long will it take for my package to get to me?
The amount of time it will take for a package to reach its destination will depend on the type of shipping you choose at checkout. Before a package ships, it may also spend time being processed at our warehouse.
Our vintage pieces are all one of a kind, and in many cases not replaceable. MBI vintage is not responsible for lost of stolen packages.